The top right corner of my blog features my video/song of the week. Tom Waits takes the spotlight this week. I was fortunate enough to have roommates in college who had a broader and more flavorful collection than mine. Let's put it this way; my most embarrassing moment involved me thinking my rock-n-roll roommates were out of the house and me taking the liberty to blast... true confessions folks... Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation... there may have also been dancing. Anyway, it was these true friends who embraced me for the Amy Grant, Janet Jackson, C&C Music factory loving, infadel I was and introduced me to some truly heavenly sounds. If there were idols in this house on Ashworth Ave. in Nashville, they were U2, The Beatles, and one roommate had an unhealthy obsession with Lou Holtz and Notre Dame.
However, these blessed evangelists of sound moved me beyond the standards and into the beautiful absurdity of Tom Waits.
What I find absurd in Tom Waits is the beauty he portrays through his graveled windpipes. However, I do not write today to talk about Tom so much as to invite you to experience a bit of Tom's art. This song, "Come On Up To The House" is one of my favorites. It comes to mind this week in particular, as it is holy week. Now, I do not imagine many people think of Tom and Holy Week together, but this song is gospel. He invites, "when you're high on top of your mountain of woe, you gotta come on up to the house. well you know you should surrender, but you can't let go; you gotta come on up to the house".
I love that something so rough and worn creates such beauty. I hope you enjoy.


  1. Jennifer Coomer said...

    1) Amy Grant.
    2) Have you heard the Over the Rhine song, "Don't Wait For Tom"? If you have not, get thee promptly to iTunes for its download-eth.  


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